
Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

Crux of the discussion that will be studied is

1. Scanning Scanning is a quick read a text to obtain specific information we need (data , name , bio and others ) . Its use in everyday life or lectures :
- Reading a scientific journal with an effective ( Academic Entry , Scientific Journal , Tables etc )
- Getting the core of a text (for instance reading of newspapers , news or textbooks )

2. Previewing and Predicting Previewing and Predicting is estimate or predict a text or narrative so that we can figure out whether or narrative text that we have in accordance with the info we were looking for . We must have an underlying reason why we predict a text or a narasi.Contoh use :
- View the cover of a book is in accordance with the information we need or not .
- Listen to text read out , to guess from the pictures or information that matches

3. Vocabulary Knowledge for effective Reading and Listening
Vocabulary Knowledge for effective reading and listening is our knowledge of English vocabulary to support our understanding in reading or hearing the English language text or narration . The goal :
- Understand the purpose of a coherent sentence
- Guess the meaning of an English word in a way to understand the meaning of a sentence first .

4. Topics Topics are subject or main issues discussed by the text , discussions , lectures and others . What you want to achieve from the material Topics :
- Can be set and find a topic of a text , either read or written .
- Can work with the topic , namely searching and write topic sentences

5. Main Ideas Main ideas are at the core of a reading , either in the form of a paragraph or discourse. To be achieved from this material :
- Finding the main idea of the topic sentence
- Determine the main idea of a paragraph
- Develop the topic for the main idea
- Develop an explanatory sentence for the main idea , so as to produce an outline of what was discussed .

6. Patterns of Organization Patterns of Organization is a pattern that is used in the text , is determined from the time , the problem discussed , descriptions and others . The pattern is used to facilitate the making or identifying a text . What we can after studying this material :
- Can determine the pattern in a text
- Can write a text with the specified pattern
- Can process information from a text with faster
- Making our minds more sequences " logical order"

7.Skimming Skimming nearly equal to the scanning , but only vital points - core reading a piece of text and tend to ignore punctuation , font and others .

8. Making Inference Making Inference is making inferences from a text or narrative . The goal is encapsulates the essence of a text to make it more succinctly . Will we be able to after studying this material :
 - Can determine the missing information or missing from a text
- Can make the conclusion of a discussion , a chat or a text

9. summarizing and Analysis Summarizing and Analysis is to summarize and analyze more deeply what you want delivered from a text or conversation . By summarizing and analyzing the bias we get information or information that is clearer . Will we get after studying this material :
- Can make the article analyzes
- Can make a summary of a journal or scientific
- Make us get information faster and easier

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